THE LYING SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON IS THE DECEIVING, LYING SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS AND THAT SPIRIT EMANATES AS TRUTH FROM SATAN THE DEVIL, THE FATHER OF ALL DECEPTION AND LYING, JOHN 8:44, EPH. 2:2. Satan impersonates himself as the "Christ of Christmas," with an emanating, lying spirit and this is what people are really acknowledging and worshipping at Christmas. This merry-making, lying spirit originated from past pagan idolatrous "sun worship." It's celebrations today continues to be set in the same sun-worship, idolatrous customs, but with the additional lie that Christmas is the time of Christ's unknown birthday, which preachers teach "christianizes" this unholy, pagan day. Instead of churches speaking out against this lying spirit, they promote this spirit in it's idolatrous setting by depicting scenes and plays of more erroneous facts concerning Christ's unknown birth. Churches prostitute themselves with Satan's society and become willing tools of Satan in fabricating this lie and illusion at Christmas, study Rev. 22:15, Eph. 6:12, Eph. 2:2-3. IS THIS LYING SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS A GOOD, WHOLESOME AND CLEAN SPIRIT TO GET AT THIS SEASON? Does the child pleasing, gift giving, merry-making pleasure of getting this spirit justify the means? The whole Christmas season puts down, belittles, makes light of all that the real Jesus Christ of the Bible stands for. The lying spirit of Christmas does not bear the fruit of God's Holy Spirit, but produces a way that seems good and right, but will produce death, not life. Pro. 14:12. Why? Because it teaches lying and idolatry, which are sins unless they are confessed and repented of, Christ's sacrifice will not cover. Christ's grace was not given to be that amazing! The fruit of God's Spirit is love, which is the keeping of God's Ten Commandments, not the breaking of them, I John 5:3. Out of the six things God says He hates in Proverbs 6:16-19, three of them are deception and lying! THIS LYING SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS IS THE MIND, POWER AND INFLUENCE OF SATAN, EPH. 2:2, CENTERED AROUND THE LIE OF A SANTA CLAUS IDOL, BRINGING GIFTS TO CHILDREN ON CHRISTMAS EVE NIGHT. This God-hated lie, deception and betrayal is what parents and society puts on children and teaches as truth every Christmas and is encouraged by churches, II Cor. 11:13-15. WHAT A TRAVESTY! PAY UP DAY FOR SINS IS SOON! Does the Holy Spirit of God teach deception, lies and betrayal, especially to open minded, humble, naive, small children? ABSOLUTELY NOT! But what does is the mind, power and influence of Satan, the father of all lying, John 8:44, Acts 13:10. God says in Rev. 12:8, "All liars shall have their part in the lake of fire." God's Word also says, "He who loves to make a lie (getting the lying spirit of Christmas) will not be in that eternal City of God," Rev. 22:15. People after experiencing The Great Tribulation and Day of the Lord, will continue their merry making and gift exchanging in celebration of the death of God's spirit-filled prophets at the end of their 31/2 years preaching, Rev. 11:9-12. THE LYING SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS PRODUCES NOT JOY BUT A DRUGGING EFFECT AND A YOKE OF BONDAGE ON PEOPLE. The lying Christmas spirit produces a Satan induced, high emotional feeling like drugs and alcohol, and after the high feeling wears off, then there is the day after. It produces, like all of Satan's deceptions, depression, not joy, futility, not success, debt and ill health, not prosperity and good health, III John 2-4. The joy of God comes from obeying God's Ten Commandments, not following a pagan idolatrous custom that leads man to break God's commandments, John 15:10-11. Satan, the father of lust and lying, John 8:44, causes all the glitter--Christmas lights, Santa Claus, tree decorations and gift buying to accomplish his purpose of keeping man in darkness to his sins of lying, lusting, idolatry and breaking all of God's commandments, II Cor. 4:4, Eph.. 2:2. WHEN THE EVIL OF CHRISTMAS AND EXPOSING THE LYING SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS IS PREACHED, SATAN'S LOYALISTS, HIS PREACHERS, HAVE MANY JUSTIFYING ARGUMENTS, ONE OF WHICH IS, "WHAT ABOUT ALL THE LOVE OF GIFT GIVING TO CHILDREN, CHARITIES AND FEEDING THE HOMELESS"? Surely all of this justifies the sins of lying, idolatry and celebrating this unholy Christmas celebration. First of all, man does not know what is real love. Only God, through His Word, can define real Godly love, God in John 15:10 and I John 5:2-3, plainly says, "His love is the keeping of His Ten Commandments and that we know that we love God's children when we love God and keep His Ten Commandments." Secondly, only Christ's sacrifice can justify lying and idolatry, and that is based on man's repentance to obey. Justification of sin is not by man's works of giving of his money and time. Thirdly, God says in I Cor. 13:3, that a person can give all he has to his family, to the poor and homeless, to charities, and even give his life also, and still not have God's love. SATAN IN THE VERY BEGINNING TOLD MAN HE WOULD NOT DIE IF HE PARTOOK OF FORBIDDEN WORKS AND FRUIT THAT WAS PLEASING TO HIS EYES AND MUCH TO BE DESIRED, GEN. 3:4-6, PRO. 14:12. But God said if you live by Satan's suggestions instead of what he Commanded, it would reap sure death unless there is repentance, and man takes of the tree of life, Gen. 3:22, Rev. 22:14-15. The lying spirit of Christmas produces a burden and a yoke and the only way it can be lifted is by the conditions laid out by the True Christ, not the "antinomian Christ of Christmas," Acts 3:18-20. TAKE HEED AND EXAMINE WHAT IS WRITTEN!!!!! II Cor. 13:5-8, Mat. 19:17, Luke 5:32. Written by Don and Nina Young